How does paying mortgages help families dealing with pediatric cancer?

Easing the financial burden of parents plays a significant role in increasing the odds of survival for a child with cancer. Cancer treatment can cause significant financial stress for families, often leading to anxiety and distress. This stress can potentially divert the family's focus away from the child's care and recovery.

Financial hardship can also impact the continuity and quality of treatment. Some families may have to abandon treatment midway due to the financial burden, significantly lowering the chances of survival for children who have cancer.

Furthermore, the financial toxicity associated with childhood cancer can lead to long-term effects in survivors, including trauma.

Organizations like ours help ease the financial burden of childhood cancer through paying mortgage payments, which indirectly contribute to increasing the odds of survival by allowing families to focus on the child's treatment and recovery.

In summary, easing the financial burden of parents helps increase the odds of a child with cancer surviving by ensuring uninterrupted and quality treatment, reducing stress and anxiety, and enabling a stronger focus on the child's care and recovery.

The threat of homelessness or subsistence scarcity is a burden no family should bear, much less a family channeling their resources to support a child facing a life-threatening illness. Maintaining normal family rituals and routines is vital to the well-being of children and the family unit. Studies also show that acute resource shortages have a negative impact on health outcomes for cancer patients. Children from households reporting material hardship were more likely to experience acute and chronic side effects from their stem cell transplants than their counterparts without material hardships. Material hardship not only impacts the family’s overall ability to cope under distressed conditions, but also interferes with a child’s ability to physically tolerate treatment and make a full recovery. This is where Fight Like A Dozer assists these families by paying mortgages/rent.

Join the fight against pediatric cancer today! Your generous donation can ease the burden for families, ensuring they focus on their child's battle, not bills. Every penny counts. Let's give these brave kids the care they deserve. Donate now!

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